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Pets (15)

4 Ways to Prevent Joint Pain in Your Dog

Pet joint pain is a common ailment that affects many of our pets at some point in their lives,...

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Dogs, Their Diets, and Wolf Ancestry

Have you ever considered how the ingredients are chosen by companies that formulate supplements for...

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Pet Health Insurance: What You Should Know | Tri-Acta for Pets

Have you ever considered the importance of health insurance for pets?

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Canine Hip Dysplasia | Tri-Acta for Hip Dysplasia in Dogs

Dandy is an 18-month-old standard poodle. Last month, X-rays revealed minor canine hip dysplasia in...

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Osteoarthritis in Cats

Could your cat be suffering from feline osteoarthritis? Cats are renowned for their nimble movement...

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Helpful Animal Health Resources

Looking to learn more about maintaining your pet’s joint health? Browse our resources for more information.