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Adequan for Dogs: How it Works, Dosage, Alternatives & More

Table of Contents

Watching your dog run, jump, roll, and play is one of the best things about being a dog owner. The pure joy they feel when they get to sniff the grass while bounding across the fields is only matched by the happiness we feel when we see them enjoying life! The thing is, like we all do, dogs are prone to age-related mobility challenges, and you know what that puts a damper on? Those carefree afternoons in the sunshine.

So what does a pet pawrent do? You want to help your furry best friend feel comfortable and enjoy life for as many years as possible. Adequan for dogs is one of the many mobility aids and supports out there. It is an option for helping achy, arthritic dogs feel their best for as long as possible and bring back that spring in their step you know and love.

But like any treatment or support for their health, it’s important to know the facts first. From answering what Adequan is for dogs to sharing the correct Adequan dosage for dogs to discussing alternatives like Librela or even joint supplements for dogs like TRI-ACTA for Pets, we’ll cover it all in this post so you have the information you need to decide for your sweet pup.

TRI-ACTA for Pets

A proactive approach for developing and younger adult pets to maintain optimal joint health mobility, minimize inflammation and fend off age-related ailments.


What Is Adequan for Dogs?

Of course, the most important question to ask first is, “What is Adequan for dogs?”. Adequan for dogs is a medication specifically designed to support joint health and alleviate arthritis symptoms in dogs. Like many medications, Adequan is the brand name for the drug polysulfated glycosaminoglycan or PSGAG. PSGAG helps protect and repair cartilage, reduce inflammation, and promote overall joint health. Veterinarians commonly recommend this injectable drug for dogs with arthritis or joint-related issues.

But that’s just the big picture. Key benefits of Adequan injections for dogs include:

  • Cartilage Protection: Adequan helps protect and repair cartilage, which is essential for maintaining healthy joints. Preserving and rebuilding cartilage can enhance your dog's mobility and comfort.
  • Reduced Inflammation: Inflammation is a common symptom of arthritis that can cause pain and discomfort in dogs. Adequan injections for dogs help reduce joint inflammation, relieving pain and stiffness.
  • Improved Joint Lubrication: Adequan improves joint lubrication by increasing the production of synovial fluid. This lubricating fluid reduces joint friction, allowing for smoother movement and enhanced flexibility.
  • Long-lasting Effects: Adequan's effects are long-lasting, providing continuous support to your dog's joints. Regular administration of Adequan can help manage arthritis symptoms over an extended period.

But while there are benefits to the medication, there are also drawbacks:

  • Side Effects: as with any medication, Adequan has potential side effects, and some can be serious. Diarrhea, vomiting, allergic reactions (hives, facial swelling, difficulty breathing), abnormal bleeding, and pain at the injection site are just a few of the more minor, common side effects the medication can cause. Less common and more serious side effects include seizures, behavioural changes, and liver enzyme elevations.
  • Interactions With Other Medications: Adequan can interact with other medications that your dog may take, such as anticoagulants, antiplatelet agents, corticosteroids, and blood thinners. Always consult your vet to determine whether any new medication is right for your dog.

Most medications come with these sorts of risks, and it’s up to you and your vet to weigh them against the benefits so that you can determine whether the medication is worth giving to your dog. In some cases, it may turn out that your dog has a serious side effect and has to stop the Adequan, or that they can’t take it in the first place due to too much risk. You may also want to avoid the possibility of negative side effects altogether.

Thankfully, there is an alternative: joint supplements. TRI-ACTA H.A. is an excellent choice for dogs suffering from the symptoms of arthritis and other joint conditions. As a supplement that contains 100% natural ingredients that already naturally occur in your dog’s body (you’re just giving them a boost with more of them), there’s practically zero chance of negative side effects. The combination of glucosamine, chondroitin, Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), and hyaluronic acid gives your dog back their mobility and reduces pain at the same time.


You can also choose to use TRI-ACTA H.A. in conjunction with Adequan for dogs. Since TRI-ACTA is a natural supplement, it won’t cause side effects or hinder the efficacy of Adequan, instead, it simply provides more joint support for your dog than if you used Adequan by itself.

TRI-ACTA H.A. for Pets

Our maximum strength formula is optimally designed to accelerate the formation of cartilage, minimize inflammation, expedite the healing process, and improve joint conditions.


Suitable Candidates for Adequan for Dogs

Adequan therapy is typically recommended for dogs diagnosed with arthritis or those exhibiting symptoms such as stiffness, lameness, or difficulty moving. It is essential to consult with your veterinarian to determine if your dog is a suitable candidate for Adequan treatment. Your veterinarian will evaluate your dog's condition through a physical examination, medical history review, and possibly diagnostic tests like X-rays.

Understanding the Injectable Formulation of Adequan

Adequan is administered through injections into the muscle or under the skin. The injectable formulation allows the medication to be directly absorbed into the bloodstream, ensuring its effective distribution throughout the body. This delivery method helps target the joints and tissues affected by arthritis, providing localized relief and promoting healing.

Is Adequan The Same As Glucosamine?

Various treatment options are available for managing arthritis in dogs – some are more preventative, and others are curative. One commonly used option in curative treatment is Adequan for dogs, which has gained popularity among pet owners. Adequan is an injectable medication that aims to relieve arthritis symptoms and improve joint health.

To better understand the differences between Adequan and glucosamine, refer to the table below:





Injectable medication

Dietary supplement


Polysulfated glycosaminoglycan

Amino sugar


Intramuscular injection

Oral (tablets, capsules, chews, powder)

Mechanism of Action

Inhibits enzymes that break down cartilage; promotes repair and maintenance of cartilage

Provides building blocks for cartilage synthesis; supports maintenance and repair of cartilage

Onset of Effects

Immediate, targeted relief

Gradual, long-term support


Curative treatment for arthritis

Preventative and long-term management of joint health

Recommended For

Dogs with moderate to severe arthritis

Dogs with mild to moderate arthritis or as a preventative measure or as a complement to other treatments

Depending on your dog's specific needs and the advice of your veterinarian, one or both of these treatments may be appropriate for managing their arthritis and ensuring their continued mobility and comfort. Using a high-quality glucosamine supplement like TRI-ACTA for Pets and TRI-ACTA for Pets H.A. alongside treatments like Adequan can enhance the overall effectiveness of arthritis treatment, improving your dog's mobility and comfort.

TRI-ACTA for Pets

A proactive approach for developing and younger adult pets to maintain optimal joint health mobility, minimize inflammation and fend off age-related ailments.


What Is The Success Rate Of Adequan For Dogs?

Adequan has proven to be a beneficial treatment option for many dogs suffering from arthritis, showing positive effects in improving joint function and reducing pain. However, it's essential to recognize that each dog is unique, and their response to Adequan can vary. Some dogs may experience significant improvement in mobility and comfort, while others may show more subtle changes or require additional support.

Monitoring your dog's response to Adequan is crucial to managing their arthritis effectively. Veterinarians recommend starting with a loading dose regimen tailored to your dog's size and condition, followed by a maintenance schedule. This allows cartilage's initial repair and protection, with ongoing support to sustain joint health.

Regular check-ins with your veterinarian enable adjustments to the treatment plan based on your dog's progress and any changes in arthritis symptoms. They can assess factors such as mobility, pain levels, and overall quality of life to gauge Adequan's effectiveness. This collaborative approach ensures that your dog receives the most appropriate care, optimizing its comfort and mobility as it continues to enjoy an active life.

Are Adequan Injections for Dogs With Hip Dysplasia Recommended?


When it comes to dog hip dysplasia treatment, Adequan injections can be an effective choice that your vet may recommend for managing the symptoms of this condition. But don’t think you should just go out and try to buy some Adequan without speaking to your vet first.

Here's why it's important to seek professional guidance:

  1. Customized Treatment: Every dog is unique, and their hip dysplasia may vary in severity. A veterinarian will assess your situation and suggest the most appropriate treatment plan. They will consider factors such as age, overall health, lifestyle, and the extent of joint damage.
  2. Focused Relief: Adequan injections work by helping cartilage heal and reducing joint inflammation. For dogs with hip dysplasia, these injections can relieve pain, increase mobility, and slow the disease's progression.
  3. Comprehensive Approach: In many cases, treating hip dysplasia requires multiple strategies. Along with Adequan injections, your veterinarian may recommend other approaches, such as weight management, physical therapy, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), or dog supplements such as glucosamine and chondroitin.

It’s important to realize that there are multiple options for treating joint conditions like hip dysplasia and arthritis, and not all of them have to result in you and your vet having the risk/benefit conversation. TRI-ACTA H.A. is a great choice for dogs with chronic joint conditions, providing natural joint support through scientifically proven ingredients. Because TRI-ACTA products use ingredients that already naturally occur in your dog’s body, the risk of adverse effects is essentially zero. Plus, you can combine TRI-ACTA supplements with other joint medications like Adequan, but you’ll likely find that all your dog needs is TRI-ACTA over time.

Medications like Adequan, while they can be effective, do come with risks. The next section describes these risks in more detail.

Adequan For Dogs Side Effects

When considering the long-term use of Adequan for dogs, it's essential to be aware of potential side effects.

Here's what you need to know about the side effects of long-term Adequan use for dogs:

  • Decreased Ability for Blood Clotting: Some dogs get abnormal bleeding when taking Adequan. This can result in nose bleeds, gastrointestinal bleeding (dark, bloody stool or stool that looks like coffee grounds), as well as blood in vomit. In some cases, the medication can cause uncontrolled bleeding.
  • Injectable Medication Can Cause Irritation at the Site: Injectable medications are invasive, and some dogs don’t react well to repeated injections in their skin. Pain, swelling, or a hematoma (deep bruise or blood bister) are possible at the injection site and can be an indicator of an infection.
  • Increased Risk for Dogs With Kidney or Liver Disease: Like NSAIDs, Adequan should be used with caution in dogs that have kidney and liver issues, as the medication can exacerbate these problems.

Polysulfated Glycosaminoglycan (PSGAG) is the active ingredient in Adequan. One of the most significant side effects of this medication is abnormal bleeding, which is caused by the decreased ability of the dog’s body to form blood clots when needed. In some cases, death has even been reported by those who have given their dog the drug. While uncontrolled bleeding is rare, it’s a serious side effect that can have significant consequences.

Joint supplements like TRI-ACTA are a symptom-free way to give your dog relief without having to worry about adverse effects.

Adequan Dosage for Dogs

Adequan treatment typically consists of two phases: the loading and maintenance phases.

  1. Adequan Loading Dose for Dogs During this phase, your dog will receive a higher dose of Adequan to achieve therapeutic levels in their body. The loading phase generally involves a series of injections given twice a week for four weeks.
  2. Adequan Maintenance Dose for Dogs: After completing the loading phase, your dog will transition to the maintenance phase. The goal is to sustain the therapeutic benefits achieved during the loading phase.

Adequan injections for dogs should be administered by a trained professional or under the guidance of a veterinarian to ensure proper technique and safety. If necessary, your vet will show you how to properly administer the injections at home. It's important to follow their instructions carefully to minimize discomfort and potential side effects for your dog.

To give you an idea of the recommended dosages, here is a general guideline for Adequan injections in dogs:

Dog Size

Loading Dose

Maintenance Dose

Small dogs (up to 25 lbs)

0.02 ml per pound twice a week for four weeks

0.02 ml per pound once a month

Medium dogs (26-50 lbs)

0.02 ml per pound twice a week for four weeks

0.02 ml per pound once a month

Large dogs (51-100 lbs)

0.03 ml per pound twice a week for four weeks

0.03 ml per pound once a month

Extra-large dogs (over 100 lbs)

0.04 ml per pound twice a week for four weeks

0.04 ml per pound once a month

Remember, these are general guidelines, and your veterinarian may adjust the dosage based on your dog's specific needs. Always consult your vet to determine the appropriate dosage and frequency of Adequan injections for your dog.

By following the proper dosing protocols and working closely with your veterinarian, you can ensure that your dog receives the optimal benefits from Adequan therapy and experiences improved joint health and mobility

How Long Does Adequan Take to Work for Dogs?

Adequan for dogs starts working on the fluid within a dog's joints just 2 hours after injection. It remains in the fluid and cartilage for up to 3 days (72 hours), with detectable levels throughout this time.

Regularly monitoring your dog's progress and communicating with your vet are crucial during this time. They can help assess the effectiveness of Adequan and make any necessary adjustments to the treatment plan.

How to Administer Adequan Shots for Dogs

When giving your dog Adequan shots, it's important to do it correctly for their safety and well-being. You should only administer the shot to your dog if directed by your veterinarian.

Here are the steps you should follow for administering Adequan injection for dogs:

  1. Consult with your veterinarian: Before starting any treatment, talk to your vet first. They will determine the right dosage and frequency of Adequan injections based on your dog's condition. Getting personalized advice from a professional who knows your pet best is important.
  2. Get professional help: Administering Adequan injections requires skill and knowledge. Ideally, it should be done by a trained professional or under the supervision of a vet. This ensures that the injection is given correctly, minimizing any discomfort or side effects for your dog.
  3. Follow the instructions: Your veterinarian will provide specific guidelines on where and how to give the injections. It's crucial to follow these instructions carefully to ensure that the medication is delivered effectively. This will also make the experience more comfortable for your dog.
  4. Prepare beforehand: Before giving the injection, make sure you have everything you need (Adequan medication, syringe, alcohol wipes, cotton balls, and reward treats), then choose a quiet area where you can administer the shot without distractions.

Remember, each step in administering Adequan shots plays a vital role in ensuring your pet's well-being. By working closely with your veterinarian and following their guidance, you can help alleviate your dog's arthritis symptoms effectively and safely.

Librela vs Adequan For Dogs

It’s always important to consider your options when it comes to taking care of your furry friend. Adequan is an injectable medication that focuses on repairing and protecting cartilage in the joints. On the other hand, Librela is a tablet or injectable that targets pain and inflammation caused by osteoarthritis. It contains sarapin, a natural analgesic derived from the pitcher plant. Sarapin works by blocking nerve impulses that transmit pain signals, relieving dogs suffering from arthritis.

Here’s a quick table that outlines the difference between the two:




Tablet or injectable

Repairs and protects cartilage

Targets pain and inflammation

Requires injections

Oral administration or injection

Varies depending on the treatment protocol

Typically once daily for the tablet or once a month with the injection

Minimal, such as injection site reactions

Minimal, such as gastrointestinal upset

The important thing to realize about Adequan vs. Librela is that they are two distinct medications for joint support.

While Adequan is focused on actually treating joint conditions by repairing cartilage, Librela is more like an NSAID or painkiller, where it alleviates symptoms rather than treating the underlying condition.

Because of the differences in approach, veterinarians will prescribe one or the other for different reasons. For long-term treatment, they may prescribe Adequan. For short-term pain relief, they may prescribe Librela. Of course, both medications come with potential side effects that you will need to discuss with your vet to determine whether the risk/benefit factor of whichever they are thinking of prescribing is worth it for your dog.

Additional Arthritis and Mobility Solutions for Dogs


Various supplemental options are available to support dogs' joint health and overall well-being when it comes to addressing arthritis and mobility issues. In addition to Adequan injections and other pharmaceutical treatments, pet owners can explore using dog vitamins for joints specifically designed to promote joint health and mobility.

When considering a joint supplement for your furry companion, it's essential to choose products from reputable brands that prioritize quality and safety. Look for supplements that contain a combination of key ingredients such as glucosamine, chondroitin, MSM, and hyaluronic acid, and avoid the inclusion of fillers. Additionally, choosing a supplement that is easy to serve and can become a seamless part of your daily routine is key to long-term habit formation.

And which supplement checks these features off? TRI-ACTA for Pets and TRI-ACTA for Pets H.A. contain a combination of key ingredients such as glucosamine, chondroitin, MSM, and hyaluronic acid. These ingredients synergistically reduce inflammation, promote cartilage health, and improve your dog's joint function. Plus, they are both effective in small doses and contain no fillers. Now, that’s what you call a supplement that’s all bite and no bark!

TRI-ACTA H.A. for Pets

Our maximum strength formula is optimally designed to accelerate the formation of cartilage, minimize inflammation, expedite the healing process, and improve joint conditions.



Incorporating a high-quality joint supplement like TRI-ACTA for Pets and TRI-ACTA for Pets H.A. into your sweet furball's daily routine is an effective alternative to prescription medications and painkillers that can cause adverse effects in your dog.

Give your pup the gift of improved joint health and mobility today and shop for pet supplements.