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Turmeric for Cats: Benefits, How to Use & 3 Best Options

Table of Contents

Turmeric: A rich, warm, golden spice that is cousin with the ever-bright and spicy ginger root. Featured in curries, stews, chicken dishes, and even juices, we humans don’t hold back when it comes to enjoying this tasty ingredient. It has the deep yellow-orange hue of the sunset and is known for its delicious flavouring – but did you know what it can do for both human and cat health? Thanks to curcumin, a natural and beneficial substance found in turmeric, you and your cat can derive multiple health benefits from this spice.

But what exactly can it do? And how does it work? Can you just feed your cat a scoop and call it a day? These are all questions we’ll answer in this post, plus get to the top three picks for getting some turmeric into your cat’s diet!

Ready to spice up your kitty’s wellness routine? Let’s get into it!

Can Cats Have Tumeric?

As pet pawrents, we often have the job of deciding what is best for our kitties. From diet to exercise to bedding to litter, we make many decisions for these precious little furballs. And before we make those decisions, hitting the books, er—blog posts, is a great way to help you reach the right conclusion for your pet’s needs. That’s why it’s important to understand the fundamentals of turmeric for cats before we delve too far into this topic.

With so many plants and herbs affecting pet health, it's easy for cat owners to be unsure about turmeric. Many people group all herbs and spices together as risky, leading to confusion. In this case, the simplest place to start is the question, “Can cats have turmeric?” The answer is yes; turmeric can be fed to cats and is not toxic to them.

Is Turmeric Good for Cats?

Beyond answering, “Can cats have turmeric?” it’s important to know whether it’s good for them. Turmeric can be very good for cats. It offers numerous health benefits, including reducing inflammation, boosting the immune system, and supporting liver function. Its active ingredient, curcumin, has antioxidant properties that can help protect your cat's cells from damage and improve overall health.

Is Turmeric Safe for Cats?

Turmeric is generally safe for cats when given in appropriate amounts. It's important to start with small doses and monitor your cat for any adverse reactions. Always consult your veterinarian before introducing turmeric into your cat's diet to ensure it’s the right choice for your pet.

Is Turmeric Bad for Cats?

Turmeric is not inherently bad for cats, but like any cat supplement, it must be used correctly. Overdosing or using low-quality turmeric can cause stomach upset or other issues. To avoid potential problems, ensure you provide the correct dosage and choose high-quality turmeric products designed for pets.

Turmeric for Cats Benefits: What Can Turmeric Do For Your Cat?



Now that we have gotten the basic questions about the safety and use of turmeric for cats, you may ask yourself, “Great, my cat can have some seriously seasoned food now, but what is the real benefit of turmeric for cats?”

Turmeric for cats can benefit your kitty by offering them:

  • Anti-inflammatory properties
  • Antioxidant properties
  • Arthritis support
  • Cardiovascular health support
  • Liver function improvements
  • Support to their digestive and circulatory systems
  • A boost to their immune system

It’s important to consider these benefits when giving turmeric to your cat. From achy senior cats to spry kittens with tummy troubles and beyond, let’s look at how turmeric for cats can be part of a healthy kitty diet and wellness routine.

Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Turmeric has long been used in Ayurvedic and traditional Chinese medicine, and one of the core beliefs about it has always been its ability to reduce inflammation. Long ago, this was speculative, but thanks to modern science, we have unlocked the reason (and the proof) that turmeric is an effective cat anti-inflammatory. Over the past two decades, extensive research has shown that turmeric's anti-inflammatory properties are due to curcumin, a compound that regulates numerous factors involved in inflammation. Since inflammation plays a major role in chronic illnesses like neurodegenerative, cardiovascular, pulmonary, metabolic, autoimmune, and neoplastic diseases, incorporating turmeric into your cat’s diet can help manage and prevent these conditions.

However, while turmeric is effective, it’s not as effective as Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), which is found in TRI-ACTA for Pets. As another natural anti-inflammatory, there is more scientific evidence that MSM is a more effective anti-inflammatory compared to plant-based options like turmeric. One of the reasons is that with plants, you can’t guarantee the dosage; even two plants grown side by side in the same conditions can have different properties. With MSM, the dosage can be guaranteed every time.

TRI-ACTA for Pets

A proactive approach for developing and younger adult pets to maintain optimal joint health mobility, minimize inflammation and fend off age-related ailments.


Antioxidant Properties

In addition to being anti-inflammatory, turmeric for cats can offer your furball some antioxidant properties. Oxidative stress occurs when the body lacks sufficient antioxidants to neutralize free radicals. These free radicals can damage cells and tissues, contributing to chronic conditions like cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. Turmeric, particularly its active compound curcumin, is a powerful antioxidant that counteracts these harmful free radicals.

By incorporating turmeric into your cat's diet, you can potentially help protect their cells from oxidative damage and support their overall health and longevity. That way, you can spend many happy years with your kitty by your side—now that’s the cat’s meow!

Arthritis Support

From serving senior cat food to providing your cat with mobility aids, our kitties deserve special treatment as they age. Felines approaching their golden years often need these supports to help cope with cat arthritis. This degenerative joint disease causes a loss of cartilage and makes joints sore from a lack of cushion between bones. With veterinary researchers estimating that approximately 45% of all cats and as many as 90% of cats over 10 are affected by arthritis, it is a common issue for many cats.

Turmeric can be a promising natural remedy for arthritis in cats. Research shows that turmeric, specifically its active compound curcumin, is highly effective in improving osteoarthritis (OA) in laboratory studies. Studies have demonstrated significant reductions in inflammatory markers and improvements in joint function with turmeric treatment. While further clinical studies are needed to confirm these benefits in companion animals, early findings suggest that turmeric could potentially play a beneficial role in managing arthritis in cats.

Cardiovascular Health

The key to your kitties’ heart can be as simple as a head scratch, belly rub, or maybe a special treat – but what is the key to their heart health? Good cat cardiovascular health is essential to a long, healthy life for felines and humans. Adult-onset heart disease, such as cardiomyopathy, can affect cats' heart muscle and overall function. While the exact causes of most adult-onset heart diseases in cats remain unclear, factors like genetics and lifestyle (such as weight, physical activity, and diet) may contribute.

Recent studies have explored the potential benefits of curcumin, a compound found in turmeric, in protecting against oxidative stress in cardiovascular disorders. While research has primarily focused on laboratory models, these findings also hint at curcumin's potential benefits for heart health in cats. Integrating small amounts of turmeric into your cat's diet, alongside regular veterinary check-ups, may contribute to maintaining their cardiovascular well-being.

Liver Function Support

Like humans, cats can be susceptible to liver problems for many reasons, including diabetes and age-related conditions. And one condition that affects our sweet felines to watch or for? Fatty liver syndrome, aka hepatic lipidosis. This liver disorder can occur when cats experience rapid weight loss or have other underlying health issues.

While turmeric has shown potential benefits for human liver health, especially in managing conditions like fatty liver disease, research on turmeric for cats is limited but promising. Prioritizing your cat's liver health through regular veterinary check-ups and a balanced diet tailored to their needs is essential, and that could include turmeric for cats.

Digestive and Circulatory Support

Our kitties have a series of systems that must work together to ensure they can run, jump, snack, and snuggle to their hearts’ content. Two of those key systems are the digestive and circulatory systems:

  • Circulatory system: A cat's circulatory system functions like ours, circulating blood throughout the body to deliver oxygen and nutrients while removing waste. It also helps regulate body temperature and supports the immune system in keeping our feline friends healthy and active.
  • Digestive system: A cat's digestive system is a marvel at work, breaking down food into essential nutrients that fuel their energy and vitality. From the stomach to the intestines, this system ensures efficient digestion of proteins and other nutrients crucial for their well-being and playful antics.

Turmeric supports these systems by:

  • Enhancing circulation and promoting healthy blood flow, which aids in oxygen delivery and supports cardiovascular health.
  • Aiding in deworming by helping to expel intestinal worms and parasites.
  • Supporting a healthy inflammatory response and gastrointestinal function, contributing to overall digestive health, potentially reducing susceptibility to intestinal parasites over time.

How to Use Tumeric for Cats

With the benefits of using turmeric for cats out of the way, let’s talk about its practical application. Choosing the right form is key when incorporating turmeric into your cat’s routine. Consider their preferences and ease of administration to ensure they receive the benefits without fuss—and all the benefits!

Forms of Turmeric for Cat Consumption

Below, various forms of turmeric for cat consumption are outlined, highlighting their pros and cons to help you make an informed choice for your furry companion.

Form of Turmeric




Turmeric Powder

Ground turmeric root, commonly used as a spice.

Easy to mix into food.

Can be messy and stain surfaces.

Turmeric Paste

A paste made from turmeric powder, water, and other ingredients.

Easier to administer than powder.

Requires preparation time.

Turmeric Capsules

Encapsulated turmeric, often combined with other beneficial ingredients.

Precise dosage control.

Some cats may resist taking capsules.

Liquid Turmeric

Turmeric extract in liquid form.

Easy to mix with wet food.

Can be difficult to measure the exact dosage.

Turmeric Treats

Cat treats infused with turmeric.

Cats enjoy eating them.

May contain additional ingredients cats shouldn't consume.

Recommended Turmeric for Cats Dosage

When it comes to incorporating turmeric into your cat's diet, ensuring the right dosage is crucial for their health and well-being. Turmeric offers various forms of consumption, each with its recommended dosages based on your cat's weight. Whether you opt for turmeric powder for cats, paste, or other forms, understanding how much to administer ensures your sweet furball receives the benefits without discomfort.

The table below outlines general turmeric dosages based on your kitty's weight, providing a clear guideline to help you navigate this natural supplement safely and effectively. Be sure to follow the product guidelines carefully when giving your cat turmeric.

Cat's Weight

Turmeric Powder Dosage (per day)

Turmeric Paste Dosage (per day)


Up to 10 lbs

1/8 teaspoon

1/4 teaspoon

Start with a small dose and monitor for any adverse reactions.

10-20 lbs

1/4 teaspoon

1/2 teaspoon

Gradually increase the dosage to the recommended levels.

Over 20 lbs

1/2 teaspoon

1 teaspoon

Consult with a veterinarian for the exact dosage.

Best Tumeric for Cats: Top 3 Types


Choosing the right turmeric product for your cat involves considering factors like quality, formulation, and ease of administration. Here are three top options known for their effectiveness and cat-friendly qualities:

Turmeric Powder

Pure and organic turmeric powder is versatile and easily mixed into your cat's food. Look for products that are free from additives and sourced from reputable suppliers to ensure high quality.

Turmeric Paste

Specifically formulated for pets, turmeric paste typically contains additional ingredients like coconut oil or black pepper to enhance absorption. This form is convenient for direct administration or mixing into food.

Turmeric Capsules

Capsules provide precise dosage control and are often combined with other beneficial ingredients like glucosamine or omega-3 fatty acids. They are ideal for cats who may not readily accept turmeric in other forms.

Remember: When selecting a turmeric product for your cat, consider its preferences and any specific health concerns. Always consult your veterinarian to determine the best option based on your cat's needs and health status.

Additional Ways to Use Turmeric for Cats

Turmeric isn't just limited to internal consumption for cats; there are several other creative ways to incorporate its benefits into their routine:

  • Turmeric paste for topical application: Mix some turmeric paste and apply it directly to your cat's skin. This can help soothe skin irritations and promote healing.
  • Turmeric bath soaks: Add a small amount of turmeric powder to your cat's bath water to alleviate skin inflammation and provide a relaxing spa-like experience.
  • Turmeric-infused cat toys: Sprinkle a small amount of turmeric powder inside cat toys or scratching posts to engage your cat in playful activities. At the same time, they potentially absorb turmeric's health benefits through their skin.
  • Turmeric-enhanced cat treats: Incorporate turmeric powder into homemade cat treats or mix it with their favourite wet food. This way, your cat can enjoy turmeric's benefits while savouring a tasty treat.

When trying any new wellness routine with your pet, always monitor your cat's reaction to any new application of turmeric and consult your veterinarian for advice on appropriate usage.

How to Make Turmeric Paste for Cats

Ready to slather your kitty in the goodness of turmeric paste? A poultice or paste can be applied topically to the skin to help soothe itchy or irritated patches and improve healing. Thanks to this compound's antiseptic abilities, your kitty can cleanse the wound, prevent bacteria and infection, and promote healing with a simple application.

Here’s the step-by-step guide to making your own turmeric paste for cats:

  1. To make turmeric paste for your cat, gather your ingredients: turmeric powder and water. You'll also need a small saucepan and a spoon to stir.
  2. Measure out 1/4 cup of turmeric powder and add it to the saucepan. Gradually add water while stirring until you get a thick paste consistency. It should be easy to spread but not too runny.
  3. Place the saucepan on low heat and continue stirring for about 5 minutes to blend the ingredients into a smooth paste.
  4. Let the turmeric paste cool down completely before using it on your cat. Ensure it is comfortably warm, not hot.
  5. Any extra paste can be stored in a clean container with a lid in the refrigerator for up to two weeks. To apply, gently massage a small amount onto your cat's skin or mix it into their food. Start with a small amount and monitor their reaction.

This is a friendly PSA: Remember to handle turmeric carefully, as it can stain surfaces, and consult your veterinarian if you have any concerns about using it with your cat.

Turmeric Bath for Cats

Who doesn’t love a relaxing soak in the tub to soothe aches and pains? Well, your cat may not be big on baths, but a turmeric bath for cats can provide some benefits, including reducing the presence of fungi and bacteria that can cause skin irritation.

Here’s how to give your kitty a turmeric bath for cats:

  1. Prepare the turmeric bath solution by mixing 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder with warm water until dissolved.
  2. Choose a warm, draft-free location like a bathroom or utility sink for the bath.
  3. Gather supplies: towels, gentle pet shampoo, a cup for pouring water, and treats for after the bath.
  4. Brush your cat to remove mats and loose fur before the bath.
  5. Introduce your cat to the bath area calmly and gently.
  6. Apply the turmeric solution using a soft cloth or sponge, avoiding the face and eyes.
  7. Let the solution sit on your cat's fur for a few minutes.
  8. Rinse your cat thoroughly with warm water to remove all traces of turmeric.
  9. Towel-dry your cat gently with patting motions. Tip: Use an old or black towel to dry your cat, and wear dark clothes as a turmeric bath for cats will stain anything it comes in contact with!
  10. Reward your cat with treats and praise for their cooperation.
  11. Monitor your cat for any signs of irritation and contact your veterinarian if needed.

Topical Applications of Turmeric for Cats

Regarding holistic care for your feline friend, turmeric is a powerful dietary supplement and a versatile topical aid. Known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, turmeric offers a natural way to support your cat's skin health and overall well-being.

This table provides a quick overview of different topical applications of turmeric for cats, highlighting their benefits and offering tips for safe usage.

Application Method




Turmeric Paste

A mixture of turmeric powder and water is applied directly to the affected area of the cat's skin.

Anti-inflammatory properties aid in wound healing.

Use a small amount and monitor for reactions.

Turmeric Poultice

Turmeric paste is spread on a clean cloth or gauze and then applied to sore joints or wounds.

Provides localized relief and supports healing processes.

Secure with a bandage to prevent licking.

Turmeric-infused Oil

Turmeric powder infused into a carrier oil (e.g., coconut oil) is used to massage sore muscles or joints.

Soothes muscles and joints and promotes circulation.

Warm oil slightly before applying for comfort.

Turmeric Bath

Adding turmeric to a warm water bath for a cat with skin conditions or to soothe irritated skin.

Helps reduce inflammation and promote skin health.

Use a diluted solution and rinse thoroughly.


Remember to adjust quantities and methods based on your individual pet’s needs and consult your veterinarian if you are unsure about the application or dosage of turmeric for cats.

Improving Inflammation and Mobility for Cats


Batman and Robin, peanut butter and jelly, turmeric for cats and supplementation—power pairings for the ages! Implementing a wellness routine for your cats can help support their health and give you many long, happy years together, and a combo of turmeric and cat joint supplements is a great addition to this routine.

While turmeric offers natural health support that addresses several systems, including digestive and circulatory systems, and health concerns like fatty liver syndrome, it shouldn’t be relied on as a holistic solution for your cat’s joint health. A joint supplement like TRI-ACTA for Pets should be the base of your cat’s joint wellness plan, with turmeric acting as a bonus due to its additional benefits. It’s safe to give your cat both.

Meanwhile, a robust array of superhero ingredients helps joint supplements for cats deliver benefits including:

  • Accelerating the formation of cartilage
  • Eliminating inflammation
  • Expediting the healing process
  • Increasing joint fluid viscosity
  • Enhancing the protective response of joint tissue
  • Improving mobility and reducing pain

Together, turmeric and joint supplements can contribute to your cat's overall well-being, supporting their mobility and comfort as they navigate their daily adventures.

And when you’re seeking a high-quality pet supplement to add to your little furball’s diet, look no further than TRI-ACTA for Pets by Integricare. TRI-ACTA combines glucosamine, chondroitin, and MSM to promote the generation of new cartilage and support joint health. For even more joint protection and healing, TRI-ACTA H.A. includes hyaluronic acid, ensuring optimal viscosity of the synovial fluid and enhancing cartilage repair. It’s a paw-some choice for proactive joint care for your furry friend!

TRI-ACTA H.A. for Pets

Our maximum strength formula is optimally designed to accelerate the formation of cartilage, minimize inflammation, expedite the healing process, and improve joint conditions.


Spice Up Cat Wellness with Turmeric

With the power of turmeric, you can level up your cat’s wellness routine naturally. From addressing symptoms of diseases to improving the quality of your feline’s overall well-being, turmeric for cats is the perfect complement to other kinds of supplementation. Implementing a cat supplement like TRI-ACTA for Pets or TRI-ACTA for H.A. for Pets can unlock greater joint mobility and more pain-free years for your sweet companion.

Spice Up Cat Wellness with Turmeric

Find TRI-ACTA on our website, or find out where to buy from one of our trusted retailers to get started on your pet’s joint health journey.